Prof. Raquel de Pinho Ferreira Guiné
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal
Raquel P. F. Guiné is a
Coordinating Professor with habilitation in Food
Science, Head of the Food Industry Department,
Agrarian School of Polytechnic Institute of
Viseu - IPV (Portugal).
Career: University Teacher since 1994, has been
President of the Scientific Board; President of
the Assembly of Representatives; Director of
Licence Course in Food Engineering; Director of
MsC Course in Food Quality and Technology;
Director of Research Groups at Research Centres:
Studies: License degree in Chemical Engineering
(1991), MsC in Engineering Science (1997), PhD
in Chemical Engineering (2005), all at the
Faculty of Science and Technology of the
University of Coimbra (Portugal). Teaching
Habilitation in Food Science (2015) from the
University of Algarve (Portugal). Certificate of
Proficiency in English (CPE, 1986) by the
University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
Scientific achievements: Author/co-author of
about 20 books, 50 chapters, 200 research papers
and 250 conference proceedings. Has authored
about 160 oral communications and 120 posters
presented at scientific conferences. [Scopus ID:
6603138390; H-index 17, 856 citations)]
[Research Gate Profile:
Global leader of a team of 76 researchers
working under the International Project “EATMOT”
involving 18 countries: Argentina, Brazil,
Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Romania and
United States of America [website of the
Large experience in supervision of Master thesis
(30 finished, 4 in progress). Organization of 20
conferences/meetings and Scientific Board for 34
conferences. [More details at webpage:

Prof. Martin A.J. Parry
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK
Martin is a Professor of Plant Science for Food Security providing strategic leadership of research to facilitate the development of globally relevant and accessible food systems. With 9 billion mouths to feed by 2050, Martin wants his research to have a real impact on food security by increasing the yields of major crops whilst also increasing the efficiency of production and end use quality. Hisresearch both encompasses the exploitation of natural diversity and also the creation of new characteristics through biotechnology. He is currently involved in a number of international projects (e.g. http://ripe.illinois.edu/; http://iwyp.org/). His research is widely recognized; in 2014 he was presented with China National Friendship Award and in 2015 was made an honorary member of the Association of Applied Biology. Martin is the Editor-in-Chief of Food and Energy Security, Senior-Editor for the Journal of Integrative Plant Biology and Associate Editor for Plant Biotechnology Journal.